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13th February 2025 
About me. SJ photo new

I first came across Focusing in the early 1990s, when it was taught briefly on my psychotherapy training course. I didn't find it easy to pick up, but I soon recognised that it was a gentle and powerful way of learning to make friends with the different aspects of myself, even the ones I didn't like, without pushing them away or becoming lost in them. Since then it has played an important part in my life. I have two regular Focusing partnerships and feel I'm still growing and deepening through my own Focusing practice. Having completed the Focusing Skills course in the late 1990s with Barbara McGavin in Bath, I decided to train with Barbara as a Focusing practitioner and teacher. I've been teaching Focusing to groups and offering one-to-one Focusing sessions since I qualified, and it's something I love doing. Focusing seems quite subtle but in my experience it's often surprisingly profound.